Disclaimer: The song is by the Police.  Buffy & co. belong to Joss Whedon.

Note:  The story came about while listening to this song on the radio at work.  I instantly thought of Giles and Jenny.  Their love was sweet and tragic. Set in early 2nd season.

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Every Little Thing She Does

By Wendy Myers


Rupert Giles left the school building after a pretty uneventful day and headed to his car.  Buffy was to patrol tonight and report to him tomorrow.  There were no portents of danger, outside of the usual vampiric activity found in Sunnydale.


He got into the Citroen and started it.  As he pulled out of the parking lot, he switched on the radio and let the music flow over him.


*Though I’ve tried before to tell her

Of the feelings I have for her in my heart

Every time that I come near her

I just lose my nerve

As I’ve done from the start*


He gave the radio a quick glance.  The children, probably Buffy, had changed the station from what he normally listened to.  He moved his right hand to change it back.


*Every little thing she does is magic

Everything she do just turns me on

Even though my life before was tragic

Now I know my love for her goes on*


He hesitated as an image flitted in his mind.




He smiled as he remembered the way she smiled, her dark eyes twinkling with mischief.  He continued down the road, listening to the song.


*Do I have to tell the story

Of a thousand rainy days since we first met

It’s a big enough umbrella

But it’s always me that ends up getting wet*


He remembered the feeling of breathlessness every time he saw her walk down the school corridors.  She fascinated and unbalanced him.  She taught a subject of which he would go nowhere near – computers.  Yet, she was also a techno-pagan, someone who believed in the same things he did.


*Every little thing she does is magic

Everything she do just turns me on

Even though my life before was tragic

Now I know my love for her goes on*


His smile warmed brightly.  Jenny Calendar was certainly magical.  She had the uncanny ability to make him, a fully trained and experienced Watcher, behave like a schoolboy.


*“Did anyone ever tell you you’re a fuddy-duddy?”


Giles blinked, then looked at the floor, and finally leaned against the wall.  “No one seems to tell me anything else.”  He looked shyly at her and smiled hesitantly.


Jenny’s dark eyes sparkled.  “Anyone tell you you’re a sexy fuddy-duddy?”


He was taken aback at the question and felt elation spread from within. “No, actually that part always seems to get left out.  Can’t imagine why.”*


*I resolve to call her up a thousand times a day

And ask her if she’ll marry me in some old fashioned way

But my silent fears have gripped me

Long before I reach the phone

Long before my tongue has tripped me

Must I always be alone?*


He arrived outside his apartment complex, but didn’t cut the engine as he parked.  Instead, he sat and listened.


*Every little thing she does is magic

Everything she do just turns me on

Even though my life before was tragic

Now I know my love for her goes on*


In his mind’s eye, Giles watched as Jenny walked by, his heart beating wildly when she headed in his direction.  God, she was beautiful.


He was still thinking of her when the song came to an end.  When he became aware of his surroundings again, Giles shook himself and, switching off the engine, got out of the car and headed up the walk to his apartment.


As he walked, the song continued to play in his mind and his gait was lighter – his thoughts on Jenny Calendar.


*Every little thing

Every little thing*


She was certainly magical, for she had him bewitched, bewildered and bothered.


The end.